Dentures in Eagle, Idaho | Castlebury Dental

Dentures And Partial Dentures

Eagle Dentist | Serving Meridian & Eagle Residents 

Dentures or partial dentures – that is the question. If you live in Eagle or Meridian, Idaho, and are struggling with missing teeth, the dentists at Castlebury Dental are able to help. We have a post explaining the difference between immediate and conventional dentures, but if you need more information before you take a big bite out of this dental experience, read on.

Dentures are replacements for missing teeth as well as their surrounding tissues and are often removable. Dentures are custom-made per patient to perfectly replace their missing teeth and restore the oral functions and appearance that were lost. Dentures are often utilized to replace an entire set of missing upper and/or lower teeth.

Partial dentures are a similar fabrication to standard dentures except for one main difference. Partial dentures are used to replace several missing teeth and not an entire arch of teeth in the way classic dentures can. In order to be a candidate for partial dentures, it is necessary that you still have some healthy teeth remaining around the area that the partial denture will need support.

Dentists will recommend dentures or partial dentures if inadequate chewing surfaces exist or for cosmetic appearance where teeth are missing. There are many reasons why a person may lose their teeth and require dentures, including:

  • Removal/extraction due to extensive decay or breakage
  • Periodontal disease and bone loss.
  • Injury to the jaw resulting in tooth removal

Usually, dentists recommend partial dentures when a patient has three or more missing teeth in a row and are surrounded by healthy teeth. If the remaining teeth around those missing are not healthy, a dentist might recommend extracting the unhealthy teeth and utilizing full dentures instead of partial ones.

Partial dentures are for more than just a cosmetic change. They have many benefits:

  • Enhance chewing capabilities
  • Increase clarity of speech
  • Preserve placement and stop the shifting of remaining teeth
  • Build confidence in your smile

The process for getting dentures is simple but time-intensive.

  1. A dentist will make a series of impressions of your jaw and take measurements in relation to the anatomy around it.
  2. Models and wax molds are crafted into the exact shape and position the denture must be made into. You will test this model multiple times as the denture is being reviewed for fit, color, and shape before the final denture is cast.
  3. Adjustments as necessary will follow the placement of the final cast denture as the mouth acclimates to the new prosthetic.
  4. Relining of the denture should be followed throughout the life of the prosthetic as needed to maintain desirable fit and function.

Dentists do not always offer permanent partial dentures, sometimes they use a temporary option. Often, this is done when the dentist has had to extract decayed and damaged teeth. The purpose of the partial dentures is to maintain tooth space until further restoration can take place, and your gums still need time to heal (roughly six months).

Dentures are not a permanent solution to teeth loss. If properly taken care of, dentures have the potential of lasting a minimum of 5 years. However, bone shrinks and the dentures can warp, leading to a looser fit. The time it takes for this change to happen varies from patient to patient but can be properly analyzed through regular visits to the dentist. Dentists can use a denture liner to refit the internal surface of a denture to the oral tissues to prolong the life of the dentures for as long as possible.

Partial dentures are not made to be worn all day. In fact, most dentists recommend removing partial dentures every night and cleaning them thoroughly.

Dentures are not the only option to replace missing teeth, but it is one of the most effective yet cost-efficient methods. Besides dentures, other options to replace missing teeth include:


Bridges replace teeth by utilizing crowns on the teeth next to the gap and attaching a fake tooth to the crowns. They can only replace one or two missing teeth in a row. They are cemented in place and, therefore, considered a more "permanent" option.


Implants require a metal post to be inserted into either your upper or lower jaw bone. They can replace a single tooth or multiple teeth by attaching a bridge to the implant. They simulate natural teeth the best out of all the options, but are the most expensive form of tooth replacement.

The primary goal of Castlebury Dental is focusing on our patients' long-term dental health and providing prevention-oriented care. We want to help you feel and look your best.

We also understand the cost restraints that can hinder proper dental care and are happy to assist all our patients submitting insurance forms to ensure you recover the most from your insurance benefits. We will do everything in our power to help you afford the treatment you want and require. We also offer complete payment plans designed with an appropriate payment schedule via CareCredit for patients who require major dental work.

If you would like to make a dentist appointment, you may do so by clicking on Request a Dentist Appointment. Contact us today for more insightful information and any inquiries.



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3209 W. Bavaria
St.Eagle, ID 83616.

Mon: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Tue: 8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Wed: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Thu: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Fri: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm

(208) 855-0080