Castlebury Dental Blog


What Is Gum Disease?

27 May, 2019 |

Seeing blood coming from a part of your body is an indication something is wrong. So, when you see blood coming from your gums, it’s natural to feel concerned. You may wonder: “Why are my gums bleeding?” or, “How can I stop my gums from bleeding?” In order to know how to treat the condition, you’ll first need to understand what is causing your gums to bleed.

Defining Gum Disease

Gum disease is bacterial growth in the mouth that can lead to tooth loss, destruction of gum tissue, and even destruction of bone.

This typically starts as gingivitis: mild discomfort with red, swollen gums that bleed easily. It can then develop into a much more worrisome disease known as periodontitis. Untreated, periodontitis will create toxins below the gum line that can provoke a chronic inflammatory response in the body.

Forms of Periodontitis

Aggressive Periodontitis

Forms in patients who are otherwise healthy. Noted by quickly disappearing gum attachment.

Chronic Periodontitis

Most common in adults, this form of periodontal disease is marked by gum recession that may appear like teeth are growing longer.

Periodontitis Caused by Systemic Diseases

Forms in young patients who have diseases such as diabetes or respiratory disease.

Necrotizing Periodontal Disease

Common in patients with HIV, those who are malnourished or those with immune-related diseases. Marked by necrosis of gingival tissues and alveolar bone.

How to Prevent Gum Disease

Despite our best efforts, 30% of Americans are genetically vulnerable to gum disease. While treatments for gum disease are available, prevention is the best medicine. Practice the following to limit your risk to gum disease.

  • Brush and floss daily
  • Use an antibacterial mouth rinse
  • Quit or do not smoke
  • Maintaining a balanced diet
  • Avoid clenching and grinding your teeth
  • Schedule a professional cleaning at least twice a year to ensure nothing is missed.

With good oral hygiene, you can help prevent costly procedures associated with gum diseases such as gilded tissue regeneration, soft tissue grafts, and bone surgery.

If you are ever unsure of what to do, you can always consult a trained professional.

Eagle Dentist | Dentist in Eagle




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