It's vital that children be well versed in the practice of oral hygiene at a young age, because the older they get, the harder it is to reinforce the habit. Adults who struggle with maintaining consistent oral hygiene practices likely did not experience much discipline with it as children.
Get Them Interested
Teaching a child a lifestyle habit can sometimes seem like an uphill pilgrimage laced with boulders and writhing trees that snatch and claw the damned, but it's a journey worth taking. Whether it's cleaning their room or eating their veggies, kids often wage a war over anything perceived to be a chore. Therefore, the first step in oral hygiene success is to make it as fun as possible.
Kid Friendly Dental Products
Toothpaste and mouthwash geared towards adults is decidedly intense in flavor, and many mouthwashes actually burn from the inclusion of alcohol. Such products have a tendency to chase children away, so it's a good idea to keep your bathroom stocked with more child-friendly products.
Toothpaste and dental floss flavored like bubblegum can be very enticing, as well as tooth brushes and other oral health products that are ablaze in bright colors.
Learning the Basics
Children and adults alike need to brush their teeth at least twice a day, as well as floss once. There are plastic models of human teeth that can help teach a child how to brush in small circles, and you can also show children the teeth of animals like dinosaurs, sharks, and big cats. Seeing such impressive chompers from the animal kingdom may help keep kids interested in their own teeth.
A healthy diet also goes hand-in-hand with oral hygiene. Try to make vegetables fun by looking up new and inventive ways to prepare them for picky eaters. If you're consistent and positive about dental health, your children will learn to respect it into adulthood. Of course, these tips can also come in handy for adults who might need a gentle reminder to keep their mouths happy.